Tonight's second Drink n Draw prompt is 'The Menu of the Future' Yummy!

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Tonight’s first prompt comes from the series name of 's ecologically-themed comics. You have half an hour to draw on the theme of 'Earth Blues'...

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This is my drawing for the third theme: Stones...

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final round. Stones always take the long view. Had fun with the prompts tonight

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Thirds theme "stone"#GoshBFDD

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Here's my drawing for the second theme: Big and small...featuring the giant lizard of my new comic😁🦎

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round 2 big and small. Sometimes it easier to focus on the small problems. A slightly rushed

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Hi all! here's my drawing for the first theme: At Any given Time...

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Our final theme on tonight's Drink and Draw is 'Punisher's Day Off' by , inspired by one of Steve's favourite comics covers. You have 30 minutes.

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Our final theme on tonight's Drink and Draw is 'Punisher's Day Off' by , inspired by one of Steve's favourite comics covers. You have 30 minutes.

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Drink and Draw Round 2: 'World's Greatest Bookseller'

(I may have added a tiny too)

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Our second theme on tonight's Gosh and Broken Frontier Drink and Draw is from and the team recognising one of Steve Walsh's many super-skills! You have half an hour on 'World's Greatest Bookseller'

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This is my drawing for the third theme: what’s the furthest place from here...

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final round. What is the furthest place from here? Can’t resist a goldfish gag

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Hi all!! Here's my drawing for the first theme: Little Monsters...

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Tonight’s first prompt is 'Little Monsters' from the title of the and Dustin Nguyen series. You have half an hour to draw on that theme...

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Tonight’s first prompt is 'Little Monsters' from the and Dustin Nguyen series. You have half an hour to draw on that theme...

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final round on the topic Light featuring that guy from the adverts (or as close as I could get in 30 minutes). Scream if you want to go faster! Enjoyed tonight’s event and all those drawing along

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round 2 how’s this for artificial stupidly expending lots of our tech expertise on making consumer toys while the world literally burns

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