This ant's name is literally Lieutenant Gamergate.

0 1

Stop trying to appease the journos.

They don't even know what they're saying any more.

193 557

A drawthread request.
Freya Deepfreeze and the Cold Light of Meaning

6 16

Oh, i didn't remember i also had this one comic that fits the actual situation well XD

30 78

>GamerGate was a decade ago.

14 49

I'm thinking that even if it isn't connect to GG, people certainly won't let another hobby be corrupted further. became the template with how people dealt with Regressive thought.

0 0

A major forum blocked discussion of Gamergate blows up.
A major forum blocks discussion of [YOU ARE CURRENTLY HERE]

Good luck.

145 341

New Comic! Gilda Mars and the Winter Solstice of the Normie!
The year is dead, long live the year!

29 56

What was

I keep seeing anti-GGers trying to REWRITE HISTORY.

So let’s set the record straight, for those who weren’t there.

258 559

Today, on reposting my old comics; remember when Steven universe was censored?

38 82