Get Me a Fresh Brain! Board Game Review: Building an imperfect beast. Like it or not, first impressions are key when it comes to board games. I always want to give a game a fair chance, over multiple plays with a varied group of gamers…

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1066, Tears to Many Mothers Review: On a 14th of October some years ago, I locked shields with the big, hairy man next to me and raised my sword. We waited for the enemy to come. "Someone should make a film about the Battle of…

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What's happening on Board Game Publisher's Night (4/12/19)? Check this link to the website to see the list of sponsoring game publishers. Staff and Volunteers will be teaching these and more.

0 0 Spoiler Game Review - Gumgem is a free hidden gummy gem on featuring a gummy heroine saving her gummy prince from the wrath of...

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is out for almost a week. We are wondering whether players enjoyed the game. Let us know your thoughts 😃

This time we introduce and chief-members of the Class Board. They'll send out two lucky nums~

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Yo no jugue el FFXV pero un amigo si y le hice un chonas comic de su pequeño review que me hizo. En resumen no esta muy feliz XD.

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We played first session of Closed Beta and wanted to share it with you!

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Doki Doki Literature Club Keeps You at the Edge of Your Seat

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Monument Valley 2 – The Mild Puzzler With Brilliant Visuality!

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Planetarian (deutsche HD Version) von Key -

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