Fighting paperwork and government bureaucracy today. Wish me luck!

by and
Day 24: House of Madness

2 17

'Urban Legend' - The Killer in the Backseat is a common car-crime urban legend well known mostly in the United States and the United Kingdom.

Challenge 🔪🎃

3 31

Day 22 - Alone

The call is coming from inside the house.

3 43

'Pestilence' - Of all the horsemen I lived to see...
I regret surviving long enough to lay eyes on Pestilence....

Challenge 🔪🎃

5 21

Oh, my dad! I absolutely forgot that today is so here is a combo with Day 19: Famine

6 37

Day 20
Couldn't narrow it down to just one pic, so take your pick!

1 13

💀 Pestilence -> Day 20 of

They treated infected and tallied the dead
A sight to behold and feeling dread
For the last face the dying would often see
Was this Angel in black watching over thee

Member of

2 17

Mush-people? Peopleshrooms? Funny interpretations -- when creating my concept "nothing to eat but death" for the challenge, it had "death cap mushroom" in the prompt. Switching to the latin name helped, but not fully!

3 39