git commit -m "complete charactor illustration no55"

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~gM! this Glitch Western Wednesday we return to wit new landscapes! small editions; only 4 avail of each; dropping one at a time 🕰️
+this is alrdy going! so git it while the gett'Ns good yawl!

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導入するとExtras tabで 使えるようになる

42 142

Today we advanced in some things of VS Aitornado! I learned how to use the Github repository thing with Git, and we now have a new background!! I'm not showing it cuz I want to keep it as a surpirse, but as now is scrapped. I'm showing this bg made by me!

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It's the Year of The Rabbit everywhere else
but it's the Year Of The Cat in Vietnam.
So cheers to that & a..
Chúc Mừng Năm Mới
to all my brudahs and sistahs in Vietnam!
A prosperous new year to all and
go git that massive DONG (Vietnamese Currency, I shit you not)!

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git commit -m "complete charactor illustration no54"

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Getting in Tune.
My custom formula creates interesting shapes. 📡

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Oh god no, he's a chonky little git.

This is about the size of him give or take lol In reality, he'd probably only stand about a foot tall. lmao

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This dolphin ridin ipad artist is all tooned up and off to its forever home - onto the next order! Hope everyone is having a good Monday, in whatever form it comes. Git er done!

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Because you want to use a twitch logo maker to make trash, steal art from others to advertise yourself and as someone married to an illustrator and sisters who are artists and myself who also trained in graphic design, you're a fucking mockery of an "artist".

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Game said "git gud or git rekt casul"

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On a quest to git gud at background and scenery

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Here's the seperate drawings for each character since I couldn't git all of it in the OP

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Sup am Tag.. an aspiring illustrator trying to git gud. I mainly draw anime style stuff, but I've been trying to branch out a bit lately, so here you go ^^

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※automatic1111が起動出来ないバグで「!git checkout 11d432d」が必要でしたが今は入力なしで最新版を起動出来ました。

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