やっべ Gitのアクセストークンの期限を年単位にしていたから更新手順忘れてしまってら


1 33

I think I sorta git gud with drawing this one particular robo

0 6

I wonder how many assistant do they got to make a g*ndm ace quality manga (not counting YAS since he solos everything)

either I need to git gud at drawing :"(

0 3


72 226

need to git gud at drawing crowds at certain perspective reeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

1 12

I need to git gud at rendering clothes :/

1 20


3 13

🤖 Git Hype!
Ai Artists
Ai Musicians
Ai Movies
Ai "Your Favorite Streamer"
Ai Home School Teachers
Ai Ai!

Are you ready?! for Cyberpsychosis!?*
*brought to you by 2 big corps so you can have an illusion of choice

6 60

how to git gud at drawing mecha for me :

I worry too much on form/shapes too much that I didn't realize I could cheat some of the angles and bend the shapes a bit

as long it's aesthetically "pleasing", go for it I guess

1 11

For Day 6 of he offers you a drink. Do you accept?

I'm gonna be honest I've been dropping the ball for like three days and I need to git gud at drawing again because god look at that iced tea it looks diseased.

26 91

一旦git resetしてスヤァ・・・

0 2

git commit -m "complete charactor illustration no59"

0 4

stepping out of my comfort zone and joining for the first time this year! been super busy with work lately, so limiting myself to 1hr per study. let's git gud together!

3 26

Freya (1 and 2) could do with being tied up to keep her out of mischief...

Or maybe she's unleased a drone that has git the drop on Oni (3 and 4) and tied her up in a rare reversal of roles

I leave it to dealers choice =)

0 2

右手ちょっと回復GIT PULL

0 8

Dress for the job you want [to git gud at]

508 2154