A little spoiler from the next pages i´m working, is a very slow process but i´m will be happy with the results i hope

PD: don´t look scary stories while you draw i always end up scares as shit

1 12

Childlings are very happy with the new papa's, playing put their butts in papa's face. So much love

6 26

Well, since Urgoh found out about the pregnancy of Skekgra (story who will come  soon) every month he travel to Dousan to give him sunflowers (My favorite flowers i must say) 

5 15

my new Gragon♂

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そぞろあふ人皆うつくしき 萩原朔太郎
愛しき人の笑みいつまでも ねお
そよ風に花の芳香漂う優しい笑みの ふうかさん💖photogragonさんkimonokanonさん描く機会いただきありがとう🙇

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