Ultime notizie: "Un'altra sparatoria di massa!!!"
Ultime notizie: "Un'altra sparatoria di massa!!!"
Ultime notizie: "Un'altra sparatoria di massa!!!"
"Cosa c'è che non va nella TV?"
"Non è la TV..."

4 4

As the horror unfolded in Uvalde, a did what the hadn’t done. She saved her kids while police waited outside.

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14 39

Who in your life would have to die before you questioned gun laws in your state?
'Collateral Damage USA' - (2014)

8 26

Politicians posture: some promote solutions, some blame doors, some suck up to the industry at the

But none of them do anything. When will we see real action?

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3 4

Pushing for legislative gun reform will pay off in dividends. Half the senate moves too slow and the other half doesn’t move at all.

0 6

On Friday, will to speak at the an open carry state. And no will be allowed.

Hopefully the irony is not lost on you.

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11 16

The GOP will never want to talk about . After all, that would stop their extra income. Bought & paid for by the NRA.

67 139

How many more mass shootings need to happen before action is taken?

0 1

Will we demand sane gun laws? Or accept that guns will be everywhere, benefitting only the gun makers?

Tell your Senators to pass HR 8 &HR 1446

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6 12