Je vois bien que cette année, j'ai passé beaucoup plus de temps sur Switch, entre tous les J-RPG. Avec Xenoblade 3, Digimon Survive, 13 Sentinel, Harvestella et Persona 5 royal. Vivement 2023.
Côté Xbox ça a été Elden Ring et Warframe. Sur PS5 j'ai adoré Stray.❤💚💙🐱
i farm just to pay cres every time i pass out #harvestella
HARVESTELLA (Switch) is 20% off on US eShop: $47.99 lowest price ever
Massive sale on US eShop:
How 'bout an underwater rendezvous with our favorite inventor?
#Harvestella #Heine #Ein
just so you know, Harvestella has Basically Howl in it and you can gay marry him and also be non-binary so this game is GOAT already tysm