‘Mary Magdalene washing the feet of Christ’ by Antwerp painter Jacob Andries Beschey (1710-1786). The actual identity of the woman who annointed Christ’s feet has for many years been the subject of much theological debate.

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Hey guys, has just been started this week. Well, I might as we need to pray to all for around the world to help them cure. 🙏❤️

Even though, is only just as one will it be never break my heart. 🙏❤️😢

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'Entering Jerusalem' Wilhelm Morgner (1912)

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It’s & our churches are closed.
Still we can follow the story through Giotto’s paintings in Arena Chapel, Padua (c1305)
And remember all those in Italy & closer to home who are fearful.
Today- Christ enters Jerusalem in triumph

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Join us at 10.30 on our Facebook page for our service. Palms made by our community will be featured alongside music, art, and reflections on the Passion from members of our parish and , our preacher https://t.co/oVVNu0s4Be

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"The love that moves the sun and other stars"
Dante and Beatrice reaching the Empyrean at the end of their journey to heaven. *~*Paradiso, Gustave Doré & Kalki*~*

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A Semana Santa inspired horror adventure.

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Light always come through in the midst of darkness.

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Wishing our Christian community a peaceful and reflective Good Friday

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As we mark to contemplate the trial and death of Jesus Christ, let us open our hearts for the greatest expression of love—a loving son who died on the cross for our sins.

May this love strengthen our faith as Christians.

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marks the Last Supper of Jesus with his apostles before his death. As Christians, may this day set as a reminder to always find humility within ourselves and so we can spread the love not because we were told, but because the world deserves it.

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On the way to Reflections this evening at Little Barningham. Journeying around our Team Churches during
& praying together.

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Join us today at 8.15 for the Eucharist, 12.45 for a Eucharist with hymns, 5.30 for Choral Evensong followed by the fourth address by and at 7pm Compline.

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In observance of the here’s a painting I did of Solomon. At times when I’m in church it helps me retain the message when I doodle and sketch while taking notes.
1 Kings 3:16-28. Happy Tuesday.

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Join us today at 8.15 for the Eucharist, 12.45 for a Eucharist with hymns, 5.30 for Choral Evensong followed by the third address by and at 7pm Compline.

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