Game Theory: are Eduardo Inda and Fabio (from Pokémon series) the same person?

19 68


13 40


18 32


Vamos a seguir practicando nuestro AIM de Bronce pero con un corazon de Diamente

Main Tank inda house

Let´s goo

3 4

My favorite cuz I feel like we went through puberty at the same time.

I guess she's white again in the books, huh? inda why I don't read them anymore. Betsy is the best example of a character who consistently gets overhauled whenever a new writer comes onboard.

2 10

I'm calling her, L'inda...

SE please let me roll a fat cat.

13 42

[Oi, eu sou uma máquina mortal de assassinatos.]
[Você inda me acha fofa?]

1 3

Green-and-rufous Kingfisher ( Chloroceryle inda)

30 119

El aporte de "Eduardo Inda" al pensamiento nacional. Publicado en

2436 4227

"Regalitos que dan en el dominical..." mi otra de hoy |

"Comunidad de Madrid" "Esperanza Aguirre" "PP de Madrid"

47 42