画質 高画質

Mahou no Stage Fancy Lala
este 2° ep me a gustado mucho mas que el primero

Aunque la premisa de una infante que se convierte en adolencete por el poder de unas hadas, y que termina trabajando casi que obligada como idol, me parece que no seria muy bien vista en estos dias xD

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'Ui x Kon' de Minori Kurosaki () se lleva portadilla a color en la Ribon de mayo. Os recordamos que ganó el premio al mejor manga infantil en los Premios Manga Shogakukan.

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Inês de Castro era uma nobre galega nascida por volta de 1320. Pedro, por sua vez, era um infante, filho do do Rei Afonso IV, também nascido na mesma data. Em 1339, Pedro se casou com D. Constança Manuel, na Sé de Lisboa. 👇

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Tommies of 7th Battalion, Somerset Light Infantry make their way up to the front line, one Private, on seeing a scattering of celandine, remembers the pathways and lanes near his home.

See more here: https://t.co/6eGnuzcNvO

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A private of 29th Infantry Division, his M41 jacket inside out to blend in to the landscape, makes his way along the hedge line whilst his comrades wait.

See more here: https://t.co/8bjo7xE19h

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In the summer of 1943 at Camp Mackall, Forrest ‘Lefty’ Brewer of 508th Parachute Infantry Regiment’s Red Devils winds up a pitch as the sun sets across the diamond.

See more here: https://t.co/aARLCFe9iT

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Dyce was born in Aberdeen into a well-off family & studied first at the RSA. He then trained in London at the RA Schools. He travelled to Rome in 1825. There he studied the works of the masters. Infant Hercules (1824) has quite opaque varnish unfortunately

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A los que dicen que la literatura infantil es un género menor les digo... VAYA PRINGAOS

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A la izquierda, mis libros como ilustrador; a la derecha, dos de mis libros como autor (cuyas cubiertas también ilustré).

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Happy Children's Book Day! 💙
I celebrate this day by sharing with you the cover of a very special personal project for me: "Im Happy When...", which I hope will soon see the light ✨.

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Feliç dia del llibre infantil i juvenil! Aquest any el celebrem llegint al costat de la Lily, la protagonista de ☺️📖

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Trasladarnos a mundos fantásticos, explorar nuestra realidad cotidiana.

Diversión, imaginación, humor, aventura y fantasía, pero también reflexión, realismo e inclusión. 

Nuestras recomendaciones: https://t.co/MVmyVjTnff

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If not for your generous aid I would not have the pleasant opportunity to praise its glory.


Insolence at its finest! An emperor as great and cultured as I will never feast on dirt. It is no more than a shaken infant compared to my Praetor and I's connection, sly fox!

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Qual essa obsessão que os canais infantis tem de fazer o Sonic maromba???

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"DOG ENGLISH" é o novo livro ilustrado por Haruichi Furudate (Haikyuu), um livro infantil para ensinar inglês para os pequenos em que acompanharemos a aventura de cachorrinhos. (Não é primeiro de abril 😂). A publicação estreia na nova revista de aprendizagem da Jump no Japão.

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playing the War Thunder April Fool's Event reminds me how much I genuinely adore the very small mech scale. Stuff like WT's Mobile Infantry, the D-Walker, Armored Trooper VOTOMS, and Heavy Gear. It's all so cool, you know you did realistic mechs right when tanks are boss fights.

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Nuevo dibujo de Shuprumon! >w<
Nombre: Shuprumon
Nivel: Infantil
Tipo: Ave, Pequeño Ángel
Atributo: Vacuna, Libre, Desconocido
Familia: Virus Busters, Dragon’s Roar

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