New art for Davis and Riley that will actually be in the game as Busts during certain cutscenes.

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Whoa.. what's going on with Trips M here??? I'm almost done with her sprites. then her and Riley will be finished for Team Outcast.

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Trips M, aka Mary, Mary, Mary now has a sprite lol. she, like her 2 teammates is pretty mysterious, wearing a TV mask to cover her face. She's the power member of her team using strong hits to wither down the opponents.

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Here's the 3 members of Team Escape. I've shown them all before, but now that I've got the team thing going... Here's Atlas (power), Prometheus (rush down), and Maia (zoning).

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finally finished with Prometheus and he's ready for battle. 8 of 21 main characters done.

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Here come's a new challenger! Mary, Mary, Mary... aka Trips M. she rounds out team Outcast with Riley and Enig. Trips M is actually a reference to another project I worked on before comic related.

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It's online on our social networks the official trailer of this amazing Bittersweet Birthday!
An amazing and a great for an indie project!
Check it out! The DEMO is totally FREE!

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been working on one of the antagonists today at various point. Pro, aka Prometheus... he has his own plans for Escape Space and everyone stuck in Autumn Bay High...

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redrew this into the new style. not my design tho. gotta thank for that. I'd been redrawing their creations in my style already and now I'm doing it in this new style. I need a better name tho than "Mad Rabbit".

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Enig's ready and waiting... He teams up with Riley in hopes of finding something he feels is missing. tho he couldn't tell you what that is as he isn't sure himself...

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Enig get's chibi'd... the one on the right is the original drawing of Enig. but since I wanted to streamline my battlers... he'll now look like the one on the left. Rare instance of seeing my work unfiltered lol.

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Here comes a new challenger! Riley is finished (almost) and ready for battle. Their partner Enig is up next. Riley uses mostly Psyonic energy to do attacks. I'll work on those at a later date.

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Started work on another character recently... Riley. They're a complete mystery except to their friend Enig. Who he, himself is quite an enigma, hence the name Enig. No one know's where they too came from inside of Escape Space.

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Here comes a new challenger! I've started on Casey's sprites as I've finally finished Diana's. Casey is Ray's nephew and always has his baseball bat with him...

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Inspired by Ryo from King of Fighters, here's Ray doing a quick version of a ZanRetsuKen. it looks pretty cool in-game I admit.

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Did you pick up any goods from the Emporium sale last month? Various weapons, potions, and materials are now yours to use and command. Show us how you're using our wares in your tell us about your title, and we'll retweet you!

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While other's wait their turn patiently in battle, Ray here points at the enemies and stares at the player...

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Child of the Abyss, be wary of the entertainer.
He could play with the fate of nations, yet prefers the strings of a lute.
Be wary.

✴️Here's more concept art for one of the main characters of our upcoming a with light elements!

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Child of the Abyss, be wary of the thief.
She will steal your heart and feed on your love if you fall for her scheme.
Be wary.

✴️Here's more concept art for one of the main characters of our upcoming a with light elements!

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Atlas' little brother and major antagonist, Pro, aka Prometheus. He wants to combine Escape Space with reality, which could damage people's mental psyche's beyond repair.

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