Captain Fury launches his offensive with his Flamethrower. He's the first memory hunter boss you face within Maia's Home portal.


5 25

Building a home? Check out Complete Home Interior Pack & get EVERYTHING you need to build, furnish & decorate a home!

Check it out on the🏣
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Perfect for &

6 3

When you psyche dive into Mike's Escape Space, you can switch party members, save, read a magazine about the area you're in, or even take a nap.

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Ok... 3rd times the charm right? decided to just have Mike here taking damage from the psyche dive link breaking after losing a fight.

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Me in a grizzled Voice: So you wanna be an kid? I was once like you... Then I burned dozens of hours...
Me from two years ago: Yeah, so?
Grizzled: Dozens of hours just pushing around pixels in my capsule image!
Old Me: :O

Anyway, here's the new capsule:

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I'm Kevin, an Asian-Latino Artist in LA who loves to draw superheroes (especially heroes of color.) I'm looking to concept projects in the fields of , and


11 19

This is the Special Stage map. whenever you want to fight and get cash for fights in the tournament. these are where you wanna go. each area is has different enemies of varying strengths.

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for here's a new look at Century Park. I didn't like how the water looked so now it's all in the skies. you can see the clouds float on by as Mike runs around the area.

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Hey there it's another Feel free to leave your game below and I will wishlist the ones I haven't and retweet them all. No matter the platform

4 28

Wow working 40 HRS a week sure makes the weekend come fast. Anyway, it's so if you're an please share your works in progress and I will retweet them

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this pops up just before the fight against Principal Heiman starts... akin to stuff like the boss intro's from No More Heroes.

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Mystery challenger in Panic Attack... I can't really say much else haha. Tho I can say there's a few optional bosses and she might be one of them.

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I need a name, but here's one variant of the Enig "Lost Soul" enemy. based on the design of another character I probably won't use named Lain.

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I've repurposed the character of Enig. I'll keep the name, but I'm reducing his role. I've got a neat idea for him and variants of him.

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New art for Davis and Riley that will actually be in the game as Busts during certain cutscenes.

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Trips M, aka Mary, Mary, Mary now has a sprite lol. she, like her 2 teammates is pretty mysterious, wearing a TV mask to cover her face. She's the power member of her team using strong hits to wither down the opponents.

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