🤔Well, her followers won’t be able help her when she’s got to pay legal fees.

2 4

Vic Mignogna is not perfect, no one is. But I truly believe that he is a kind soul and does not deserve what is currently happened to him. It has broken my heart to see what the end result of this mess is. I do not want to argue with anyone, I just can't stay quiet

4 18

Even if everybody is against you...
Even if nobody believes in you...
But we well always be with you we'll always be by your side we will always

(Edward Elric: you Everyone Else: Us)

127 1153

I'm sorry you're going through this, I wish you weren't being falsely accused DX

0 9

You can get through this Broly

1 1

What's the Difference? 🤔🤔🤔#IStandWithVic

11 46