why does kickvic love defending pedos and women beaters so much? ron soye has a documented past of beating women to. i love how her tweet didn't get that much traction either lol

47 211

cartoon fanatic, pedo defender, likes to give out death threats, and he's kickvic. why does this not surprise me?

37 183

New analysis updated for Community: Look like "ISWVFails" is on the rampage mode and not accept her defeat. Even the Cope War was over and Vic told the Cultists to leave ISWV alone, she unleashed her toxicity in her mind. She need a Big L for good. 👽🖖🛸

3 5

Just noticed this account closing in on 25,000 followers.

The salt from the Anti-Comicgate, Amber Heard simps when that happens will be HILARIOUS.

25 258

Here's a sneak peek at my upcoming mini comic:

Freakazoid Kicks Vic.

4 23

Did anyone see this?? Ron Toye EX Wife was ready to give an Affidavit in support of Ron late last year i have been keeping up with News but this is new anyone else see this from

17 67

Just hours ago a member of the harassment campaign posted a video clip with a call to action inciting violence against Vic Mignogna.

Coverage of the situation, including the clip, can be found at NyanNet; https://t.co/NWZgKf0Kuy

113 382

As hundreds of Fans request Vic Mignognga at anime conventions, KickVic volunteers retaliate: Threatening conventions that they will leave, if Vic is invited. Somehow these people continue to find new ways to make themselves look terrible;


64 351

and The Violet Wanderers Podcast Discusses Strategies to Publicly Label Vic Mignogna as a Sexual Predator to Prevent Future Con Appearances https://t.co/e2V7trflVl

23 35


- Make up an excuse about Vic Mignogna say you are 14
- Change your age NOT ONCE NOT TWICE 3 TIMES!
- Turns out your a Rooster Teeth EMPLOYEE at the time of firing of Vic Mignogna


41 162

How does this related the situation between &
Zero & other people tweet this cuz they're RETALIATING against an SJW who said
"If you draw your female characters like this (censor) you."
Even though both males & females get sexualized in Anime
No surprise

23 66

is actually retarded.......
..... So many Typos.....And stole my Oc https://t.co/gRaT9ZnmfY

0 0

Seriously ?!
Jail Time for harassment & sending death threats ?
How ?!
I never did any of that
Wow Zarchary Khan says that are the ones who are lying
Then what call that then ?!

Honestly this person just makes KickVic more worse & hateable everyday

0 7

Take your gross BS fanfic somewhere
Unlike you I don't believe in KickVic's BS
The facts and evidence shows that Vic is innocent if you don't like it deal with its reality

0 2

You really think we will easily forgive you & other VAs without you guys feeling any remorse & regretful actions
Sean called us a-holes
Chris called us autistic
Amanda & Jamie said terrible things to us
KickVic doxxed & harassed us which is unforgivable

2 2

Ready for more embarrassment from !!!

2 25

These stans are crazy mo-fos. Seriously you mad bro?

71 287

It would appear that the shady company has finally announced the replacement for QROW in RWBY and DO NOT GET me wrong i feel like this is the best POSSIBLE outcome LOVE HIS Voice as DABI but it feels so wrong i fell in love with Vic Mignogna

17 101

KickVic "We are winning Vic is getting kicked from Cons"

Photo 1 re invited to
Photo 2 Invited to Bubbafest
Photo 3 Invited to Dublin Comic Con
Photo 4 Invited to Super World Con

Other cons include
Anime Matsuri
Savannah Con
Hawaii Con

43 203