Finished the Spaceship for the Beyong the Weird Blog, Dreamer in the Dark! Been a great learning experience and really grateful for the opportunity!! Hope you guys like it!

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Yo peoplez finished this one on sie stream today! Hope you like it! Thank you for poppin by!

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Yo peoplez, finished this Study/Tribute as a warmup, hope she likes it! Shoutout to my special peepz that supported me this year!

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Hillow made the Warlock Patreon Tier image on todays stream, thank you so much for joining and offc the Raid haha!

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Tweaked the big shapes on todays stream, gonna focus more on detail next time, thank you for joining! WIP

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Tweaked this Squishy Spaceship a lil more on todays stream, wanted to add a lil more! Thanks again for joining guys, preciate you!

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Update on the Dark Spaceship, already got approval for this colorpalette and process so far! To be continued!

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Started with a another Demon Lord on todays stream! Tested out the light as well, worked pretty well! WIP Thank you so much for joining and have a great weekend!

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Yo peoplez , tweaked the Alien Creature on todays stream! Kinda diggin him/her for now! Thank you so much for joining!! Enjoy your weekend when able! WIP

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Started with another Demon on todays stream! Ne brush practise and also mixin it up with a familiar one WIP Thanks for joining guys and enjoy your weekend!

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Yo peoplez, figured out colorscheme for this and did some tweaking on todays stream! Experimented with an unfamilair pallette WIP Preciate you poppin by!

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Sup ma peoplez , figured out colorscheme and did some tweakin on todays stream! Really diggin this one! WIP Preciate you joinink, have a great weekend!

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