As Anne Lister says, I need a female companion over/under me 😭

Gentleman Jacktober day 26: night kisses

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In the 60s everybody wore a suit. Even the criminals.

Based on Jack Kirby’s cover to Amazing Fantasy.

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I thought that today wasn't the best day for me to draw but I tried my best 😭 Hope you like it. ♥

Gentleman Jacktober day 25: hold my hand

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Deviating from today’s prompt because there’s no X-Men on the list! Sorry I couldn’t get a good pick for this one. And yes, Iceman had boots over his ice form in the beginning.

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Time for cuddles and snuggles with Anne and Ann ♥

Gentleman Jacktober day 24: cuddles

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It’s Day 24:ORION. Tomorrow’s drawing prompt is

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I hope Ann Walker is having a good evening. 😌💕

Gentleman Jacktober day 23: a sexy Lister

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Days 17, 19, and 20: Negative Zone, Vibranium, and Atlantis. Skipped 18 because I want to do something special.

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Ann Walker always enjoying a poulet, no matter where or what. ♥😋

Gentleman Jacktober day 22: a meal

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Dia 22 - Galactus. "Al siguiente número, que los Cuatro Fantásticos peleen contra Dios mismo".

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Checking to see if her wife is smelling good ♥

Gentleman Jacktober day 21: kiss in the neck.

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Days 13-16: Superman, Black Widow, Desaad, and Odin.

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Today’s prompt is Jack Kirby, so here he is as he appears in What If (Oct 1978) — What If the Original Marvel Bullpen Had Become the Fantastic Four?

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