I was thinking he would be controlled by dark maker ship makes him a leader Gol and Maia same thing, but they want to control so there is a wip so working on jak uwu

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Tess came out ...DreamWorks or Disney-like wasn't aiming for that but I like the look I gave her. Especially those suspenders or harness she wears. Makes my boobs hurt the more I look at it.😆

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Blasted out some Jak 2 fan art in time for Supanova next week!

Gonna get prints of this, I’m unsure if they should be A4 or A5? What do people prefer to buy when at cons? Not that I expect this to cater to more than like 4 people on the planet lol

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スティック表示で赤色で示したのが DFG モチーフのフェニルアラニン。側鎖が活性部位の cavity 側ではなくタンパク質側に埋もれた DFG-in のコンフォメーション(活性化型)をとっているのが分かるだろう。

JAK2 JH1 in complex with baricitinib (平行法ステレオ図)

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Day 4- babak lurkers

More could be coming today I still have allot to catch up on haha

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Been reminiscing of an old favorite of mine.
Good boyo, Angry boyo, Best boyo.
The game Jak 2 is definitely a guilty pleasure game of mine despite its difficulty. But I love it. ;w; Marathon it a least once a year.

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I am hopelessly in love with the Dark Eco Freak.

Anyway I had a background planned and then I said 'nah...' but I drew this for me because I wanted to :3c

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Jak 2 Portrait sketches

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Okay this was a sketch that I went overboard with. I have so many fond childhood memories of Jak and Daxter. Jak 2 had a special place in my heart. Dark Jak was always a fave of mine.

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