Perdón por no ser muy activa aquí... Soy más activa en Instagram pero aquí regreso con este fanart que hice hace poco

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Good Training day + Bracket Run!

4th/27 @ Final Gambit

Played really well today, and am proud! Great improvement, Lost to Ponyo (Falco): game 5 set and Darkjak (Sonic): run back on me

Min Min & ICs

Overall happy and learned alot of new MUs, GGS

Art: - love it!

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Guys help me out, I’m on a mission to find former DeviantArt user =DarkJak on twitter because I wanna follow them again. They used to be a big inspiration for me when I was a baby and I wanna see more of their art! Posting this art by them for u to remember too will delete ofc!

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