О нет, Жан обиделся, Марко, поддержи котёнка :(
кстати, первый раз Марко рисовала хаха https://t.co/cqmTH1EY3g

5 33

POV:Чистокровный марлийский офицер Жан Кирштейн и элдиец-шифтер титана Эрен
Кажется, Эрен мягко говоря марлийцев не жалует

29 320

A I've made few times over the last year and I am ASHAMED of the first one that is from May 2021, second is from July an third from October

Today's version is supposed to be better and it's shit, ngl

9 21

Day 5 of and today's prompt is Formal (I didn't know what I was doing so I just went with the flow xxx and i know they look like yaoi hands😭 I cant draw hands)

27 135