画質 高画質

お疲れさま👔 / Jean

72 340

Come on, Jean, you have a fry too!

5426 36859

tehe! pagi bubub² ku, mau nanya nih Jean c0 butuh er berapaan? kira kira 205% cukup ga??? btw makasih bub🥰❤

0 5

Jean-Jacob Jackman|わかすさん
Amy Aydeal Ardent|煮こごりさん
Linus Wolframite |ほふ


3 9

Redesign Requests 22-25
Willow, Jean Dabs, TheRetroReplay, ZeroRoyale

76 643

Ooh that tape is so cute!

I don’t have a clear pic of Marly in her Jean overall outfit but here she is kidnapping other OC’s lol

1 15

other illusts of Jean on pixiv

121 2372

■しじまの夜想曲 (A5/20p./会場価格¥300)

艦娘と夜の短編4つです。 漫画部分はツリーに繋げて全編公開するので紙で欲しい人はぜひお手にとってみてください😌🙏


①RichelieuとJean Bart

43 68

Jean Pierre Polnareff !
I wish to do more art from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure!

128 513