Durante su coma, hizo una chispa con la mano derecha, quemando los dedos de un médico.

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ability will be rendered into a zombie-like state and will relentlessly perform a specific instruction like chasing after a target, or coming back to Dolomite, or any miscellaneous order.

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world." He also speculates that Josuke cannot control them due to their invisible and nonexistent nature. As part of the ability, these bubbles can pass through anything, even through walls.

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lipstick causes a leak of energy and thus the collapse of the body. However, Aya is able to fix the body if she wills it.

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the air and explode with great force, a couple of bombs being able to inflict significant damage on a building.
The Stand can place as many pins as it wants.

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splash those on-board. Humans are the only things that are affected by his saliva allowing him to use mosquitoes to spread it.

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spring traps or freely change the whole form of the object, for instance displacing the opening and neck of a bottle along its side or changing someone's bone structure and muscle into springs.

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all directions, tearing everything apart in a large area with fast water bullets.

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