뭘 그리려 했는가… 그냥 블랙스완 의상의 국민이 그리고 싶었던🙄🙄

0 10

When the moon fell in love with the sun, all was golden in the sky. All was golden when the day met the night

25 57

“I’ll keep holding onto Jimin” 🐥🐰

527 2930

나만 둘이 ㅃㅃ 할거라고 생각 했냐고요

0 4

🐰💜🐥 여전히 행복하답니다~😍🤭

461 1893

Tod estamos celos. 😔👊🏻
También, agradecer que llegamos a los 707 seguidores. 💜 Muchísimas gracias.🥺💜

Everyone has jealous. 🤧
Also, we are 707 followers, THANK YOU SO MUCH. 🤧💜 (my english is not good, sorry)

7 23

[TH]​ 🐰💜🐥 ไปแน้ว~!! ผมกอดเขา~ เรากอดกัน!!
너무 귀엽다~!😭😭😭💕💖

10 24

[CHN繁] 🐰💜🐥 去了阿~!! 抱抱了~ 擁抱了!!🫂

32 236

[ENG] 🐰💜🐥 Of course I went~!! I hugged him~ We hugged!!🫂

29 121

🐰💜🐥 갔죠~!! 안았어~ 포옹했쒀!!🫂

619 3025