Lady Mechanika Comicon Challenge by Olga Starodubtseva
Fantasy Art

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Can we take a moment to talk about those Lady Mechanika variant?

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Yesterday we revealed more information about the universe of Warcaster: Neo-Mechanika, today we have more on some of the factions within the universe, including the Aeternus Continuum!

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Want to know more about the universe Warcaster: Neo-Mechanika is set in? Well, friend, we have you covered.

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Quelqu'un a lu Lady Mechanika et éventuellement Mercy pour me donner un avis?

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Wip progress on the Lady Mechanika Day of the Dead commission. Been a rough week but hoping to get this finished soon. :-) Can’t believe it’s already December. :-O

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Lady Mechanika Comicon Challenge 2014 by Olga Karambola Starodubtsevz

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Avec deux couvertures LADY MECHANIKA signées , l'une réalisée pour la dernière l'autre publiée à l'occasion du Halloween ComicFest 2019 💀🌹⚜️

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🎁 Vous allez avoir du mal à choisir !
Pour deux Glénat Comics achetés = 1 ex libris offert
* Silent Dragon
* Lady Mechanika
* Dark Crystal

* 3 Lady Mechanika achetés = 1 t-shirt LM offert
* 3 Power Rangers achetés = 1 figurine PR pink offerte

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SANS MERCI ! Le tome 6 de LADY MECHANIKA est sorti.
La beauté n’est parfois qu’une façade... >
Les couvertures variantes sortiront le 23 octobre, à l'occasion de

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Le tome 6 de la série de arrive en librairie... Découvrez les premières pages de "La Belle dame sans merci" > 🌸

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[AUX USA] La Comic-Con de New York bat son plein ! Joe Benitez a réalisé une variant cover de saison, spécialement pour l'occasion. 🎃

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In Nika's brother, Dennis, loves to collect special editions of his favourite video games. Some of them come with figures of characters, like Alcatraz from Garrus from , and Kratos from

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[LA COUVERTURE]🌸La Belle dame sans merci : Une illustration qui évoque l'art déco, pour un sixième volume de Lady Mechanika aussi prenant que ses prédécesseurs !
🌸 En librairie le 16 octobre 2019.

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Morose Muffin (, Spade-maid on ) crafted this sweet featuring the girls of and

Check more of her work in this gallery:

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Lady Mechanika by .

Lady Killer by .

Batman: The Dark Prince Charming by .

Druuna (very adult) by Paolo Eleuteri Serpieri.

You can't go wrong with any of them.

All are badass & beautiful!

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Nika has a Mazinger Z quilt for her bed and a BMO plushie in her room. You should already know it by now, but Nika loves robots, mechas, androids... And so do we, so we have their versions in

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Manson the cat loves playing with some dirty socks on and wandering around the street on

Oh, and being the guest star of today's by Misha Guranov from .

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Do you know ? He's an incredibly fun and sweet crossdresser, singer and wrestler. His version loves all the dresses in the lolita fashion shop from and

Oh, and someday we will talk about the store and those dresses...

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