Un dibujo de roll de megaman, me están gustando usar estas proporciones para hacer personajes Chibis ahora creo que debo practicar un poco mas los rostros.

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De Astro boy aparte de ser la inspiración de Megaman, un montón de mangas y este par de joyas.

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For today here's an idea that I had since I did the Sharkman.exe TF.
It's another character from Megaman, this time from Megaman Star Force. A Wolf Woods TF.
Hope you like it!😊

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The ANT!🐜 A superheroes I made using MegaMan, Kamen Rider, and Power Rangers as reference

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Here's Sigma :b He's an android robot thing, inspired by characters like Quote, Megaman, and Metal Sonic lol

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Hell duel masters (still alive in Japan btw) is doing crossovers with franchises like MTG , Beyblade and Wixoss,megaman, yokai watch,and Sonic the Fucking hedgehog https://t.co/Gi0L4ww3WZ

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Treininho de hj vai de Megaman 2 que ando jogando.
Bem que o misterioso anuncio da Capcom poderia ser um novo Megaman, mas sinto cheirinho de Resident Evil... mais um...

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Como dirían en que no sólo han hecho Pokemon, te elijo a tí! En crearon a este ser híbrido entre Sonic y Megaman, en un jugazo que a día de hoy sólo se puede conseguir si tienes una cartera importante! Bendita emulación!

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Surge and Bass!
They were both created to destroy their respective blue heroes; Sonic and Megaman, so I thought of drawing them toegether doing a cool pose 😄

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Fun fact! In the second Archie comics crossover between Sonic and Megaman, Megaman X was originally going to be able to go super as well but Sega refused as then there'd be less StH characters that could go super than MM characters.

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Dibuje a megaman...me gusta megaman, es cool y te prepara limonada con 3 cucharadas de azúcar, wena onda el megaman

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X. Like MegaMan, though the artstyle may change, his anatomy remains very consistent. The only major difference is that the pectoral plates on his chest went from dark blue to lavender. Some concept art shows it as light blue, but all modern official art shows it as lavender.

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making a challange for myself
im going to draw every single Robot Master in the Megaman Classic series (Megaman 1-10, not 11 because i already did those)
starting with 000 to 004 (Megaman, Protoman, Roll, Cutman and Gutsman)
ill try to draw at least 2-3 per day

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Buenas gente! Como prometí ayer, aquí está el tercer dibujo con Mia disfrazada. Esta vez decidí disfrazarla con el traje original de Roll del primer Megaman, ya que como le gustaron el anterior con Helena. Espero les guste! 😊👍

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Incineroar, Megaman, Luigi, and Terry are my mains in Smash! These are the BOYS😤😤😤

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Oi, sou Joaozin, mas pode me chamar de João
eu desenho as vezes
normalmente minha arte é bem simples, mas eu tento fazer o melhor possivel com um simples mouse
gosto de fazer fanart de Megaman, Splatoon e outros jogos
desenho mais como hobby

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i got megaman, fire emblem, undertale, and deltarune https://t.co/ea8w7hK0rW

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