Un souvenir de jeunesse! Mon dieu que j'ai aimé écouter ce. film étant plus jeune! Bien que le film date des années 80, j'aime l'histoire et le monde créatif que l'on y retrouve!
Alors Voici Atreyu et l'impératrice sur le dos de Artax, pour une belle chevauché!

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第2回渋谷凛オンリーイベント『NeverEndingStory: NextChapter』ただいまスタートいたしました♪

4 15

渋谷凛オンリー同人誌即売会「NeverEndingStory Next chapter」

A6 / 52ページ / 800円(予定)



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Watchung with baby boy.

Cairon-herald of the Childlike Empress:
"She is dying. She can not save us."

Baby: *applauds and gurgles happily*

Me: *side eys my infant with deep concern*

anyway of the because

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Happy 36th flimaversary to one of my ALL-TIME FAV movies!

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Falkor joins me in thanking you 🌟 Today, we have just reached 120k. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for this incredible support, I never imagined reaching this stage ⭐️

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La siguiente es de La historia interminable :D Espero que os guste ❤

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Day 1.
First film I remember watching in the cinema was "Neverending Story". My dad took me and I guess that's when I got my "love fantasy" bug. And my dad became my official cinema partner till the time I was big enough to go by myself.

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