Ojamajo Doremi ♯ ep.26 @ 18:17.77
"Pirika Pirilala Carefreely!"

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pirika pirilala popolina peperuto!🎀💫✨#MagicalDoReMi

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My whole childhood!
Pirika Pirilala Popolina Peperuto!

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\Final Episode🌟/
Check-out our special collaborative feature with "Hakata Mentai! Epi. 12 focuses on local Fukuoka festivals... Fun events filled with history & tradition🎶🔻

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✨NEW✨與 各種美食登場的短片動畫《博多明太!PIRIKARAKO醬》共同合作的特集《求指教!PIRIKARAKO醬!福岡美食♪》!第12集是有關歷史悠久的傳統福岡 的故事🎆歡迎來看看哦~💕


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Pirika pirata deja de ser tan puta.

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\New post every Mon/
Check-out our special collaborative feature with "Hakata Mentai! Episode 11 focuses on "Hakata hitokuchi (Hakata bite-size a tasty that is popular with all age groups!🔻


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🌟NEW🌟與福岡各種美食登場的短篇動畫《博多明太!PIRIKARAKO醬》的合作特集 "求指教!PIRIKARAKO醬!福岡美食♪" !第10集為您介紹福岡當地小吃 "むっちゃん萬十 (Mucchan Manju)" !😋千萬不要錯過哦💕


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\New post every Mon/
Check-out our special collaborative feature with "Hakata Mentai! Episode ten takes a closer look at a local snack called "Mucchan Manjū"💕🔻


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與短篇動畫《博多明太!PIRIKARAKO醬》的合作特集 "求指教!PIRIKARAKO醬!福岡美食♪" 😋第9集是有關 市的觀光地 "白糸之滝" 的故事💕千萬不要錯過哦♡


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\New post every Mon/
Check-out our special collaborative feature with "Hakata Mentai! Episode 9 takes a closer look at “Shiraito a popular sightseeing spot in City, Prefecture ✨🔻


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0830 池袋 PIRIKAさんモノクロ版。canon lens 35mmF1.8とhektor 73mmF1.9 お疲れ様でした!

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各種美食登場的短篇動畫《#博多 明太!PIRIKARAKO醬》的合作特集 “求指教!PIRIKARAKO醬!#福岡美食♪”!第8集是有關代表福岡的 (TORIMON) ” 的故事🎶千萬不要錯過哦😉💕

📍詳細請點擊這裡 👇

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\New post every Mon/
Check-out our special collaborative feature with "Hakata Mentai! Episode 8 takes a closer look at "Torimon"🎶So many people have fallen in love with this classic treat✨🔻

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NEW🌟與 各種 登場的短篇動畫《博多明太!PIRIKARAKO醬》的合作特集“求指教!PIRIKARAKO醬!福岡美食♪”✨第7集是在福岡被大家所喜愛的有關 "#烤雞皮” 的故事😋🎶


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\New post every Mon/
Check-out our special collaborative feature with "Hakata Mentai! focuses on a local speciality called "#torikawa" (grilled chicken skin)🎶Make sure to sample juicy, crispy Fukuoka torikawa for yourself🔻

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"Pirika Pirilala Popolina Peperuto”

I finished my Ojamajo Doremi art!


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i feel liek this when i see pirika

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