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rumple im sorry i don’t have my tablet right now but take a quick postit note kitty shitty @_Inhabitant_
🍀Les voici, les voilà, les blocs-notes Lutins sont disponibles !☘️ plus d'informations dans le fil ⤵️
#blocnotes #papeterie #PostIt
2014 <->2022
I think I have some postit doodles that are older but the left is the first thing I did when I got my first tablet lol https://t.co/FpPxqamqZ8
Black Manta aka David Kane! #art #warmup #quicksketch #postit #postitdrawing #comic #comicbook #dccomics #blackmanta #postitpopart #DavidKane #villian
Spider-Man his Peter-tingle is tingling! No spoilers for No Way Home! #art #warmup #quicksketch #postit #postitdrawing #comic #comicbook #marvelcomics #marvel #spiderman #peterparker #postitpopart #peterparker ##spidermannowayhome ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 's 2 thumbs up from this fanboy!
Captain Marvel aka Carol Danvers! #art #warmup #quicksketch #postit #postitdrawing #comic #comicbook #marvelcomics #marvel #captainmarvel #caroldanvers #missmarvel
🐏Pronto subire arte nuevo de los Ych en los que estuve trabajando, mientras que tal un repostito de arte antiguo?
🐏I will be updating as soon as I can some new art of the ych I have been working!! In the mean while what about a lil re-post?
Kylo Ren! Star Wars the Last Jedi! #10minutewarmup #freehanddrawing #art #comic #comicbook #postit #postitdrawing #Marvel #starwars #kyloren #maytheforcebewithyou #starwarsthelastjedi #starwars #theknightsofken
The Lizard Spider-Man villain! #art #warmup #quicksketch #postit #postitdrawing #comic #comicbook #marvelcomics #marvel #spidermanvillain #thelizard #CurtisConnors
Kate Bishop aka Hawkeye! Who else is watching the new show? #doodles #postitdrawing #postit #art #comic #comicbook #freehanddrawing #warmup #postitpopart #Marvel #marvelcomics #hawkeye #katebishop #Hawkess #HaileeSteinfeld #AllanHeinberg #JimCheung #Disney+
Scorpion Spider-Man villain! #art #warmup #quicksketch #postit #postitdrawing #comic #comicbook #marvelcomics #marvel #spidermanvillain #Scorpion #postitpopart