Got the flats done on Yarrow after fixing the position of his eye 🥰

Love this idiot too. Now to do a portrait of his BF (and since the RP Yarrow was created for died I may retcon Grimfang back to life. Screw it)
sketch for reference

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How about a retcon of Team Plasma modifying a (unspecified Pokemon but everyone says it's Kabutops) into Genesect but the retcon has it so that Genesect is a future paradox form of Kabutops hereby known as "Iron Cannon" and "Genesect" like "Korai/Miraidon" is the alternative name

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Yes, I retconned Oli’s iPod into a Zune. They’re a Zune boy now.

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'riri' raine (they/them), this oc has been my first oc since i started drawing and they have transitioned over the years literally lol (they look drastically different when i started drawing them and have retconned a bit of few things)

1 11

Given she was pale as fuck in Dream Radar and has darker skin in Gen 7, I can't tell if this is a mega timeline retcon (like how all of Team Aqua has darker skin tones in ORAS than in RSE) or if she just got a major tan when moving to Alola.

0 16

I had a dream a few nights ago that Halo Head introduced a new character, named Peppa, who was "Pepper's niece from 'the big city'"
She was retconned into every previous panel, including the pre-Pepper ones
(Hello from Halo Head is by you should uhhh Read It)

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More of a AK47 retcon and MP5K kind of guy

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Morroyo and Saoshinn.

(Lore note: I named Morroyo and his siblings before I knew about Miqo'te naming conventions. I got yelled at for not having 'lore compliant' names, so I retconned their birth names, but their original names stuck)

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All these WoW characters getting retconned into full dragons now wooo

1 8

i don’t think its a retcon. mario and luigi were born in a land in the sky (presumably like most babies in the mario universe) and delivered to the mushroom kingdom TWICE (even in the original yoshi’s island which turned out to be a mistake)

2 21

i think common ancestor pokemon can be a lot more interesting if you just abandon the idea that they need to be the blandest thing ever
archen, the first bird (retconned by now, but wtv) gets to just be the first bird since its a strong concept
the first fox? id say get creative

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this sketch isnt even accurate to lore anymore becasue i retconned the lanterns last second goddammit

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This should be a no brainer, He’s the most recognizable outside of the trinity, arguably the most important Hero DC has, he’s a walking (or running) Deus Ex Machina and the DC’s Number 1 scapegoat for retcons, Also the most powerful hero if the writers didn’t hold him back.

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On déjà eu 2 gros récit bien écris ,ça sent potentiellement le retcon du plan de Dark bane qui sera simplifié en durée et du Récit de plagueis. Ils ont bien transformés le Dark bane de puissant sith à un putain de fantôme de samouraïs sans charisme!

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About a couple years ago, I made a Gardevoir oc named Ryune. Didn't really go far, so i decided to retcon her into a Kirlia instead.

Ask anything about her 🤧

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With K-on! retconned to modern day, uploading their songs onto Youtube or some music site would be a very Ritsu thing to do. Especially if her goal is to try make money off it or become famous

1 16

After all the recent story inverviews, I really think a concept Blizz fails to grasp is the importance of narrative undertones.

When people talk about retcons, the frustration doesn't come just from the changing of literal events, butchanging of the narrative intent behind them.

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We have other classic girlies too!
Sally: retconned after 24 years, isn't allowed back without another redesign
Bunnie: same as above
Breezie: got a brief stint in archie with honey, heaven knows where she is now
Tekno: hasn't been seen since 2002, despite being amys girlfriend

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Wanna hear something cool, I really think they should go the route where her father (or grandfather as a retcon) Hector once carried the title & Ava now must discover her connection to the mantle. Before that can happen, she must confront Angela del Toro: the current

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Regardless of Tim’s sexuality we don’t have to retconn his feelings here regardless of his attraction he’s going to be fucking sad his best friend FUCKING DIED

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