さん!(≧▽≦) ハピバ


8 16

Have you checked some of those cool indie games from this year?

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Haven't done the rounds in a while, but with coming around, thought I'd mention again I'm up for commissions- I could really use some spare change right now what with bills, and who knows, maybe some people'll want some artwork to fancy their game booth?

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I'm doing some tweaks on the EXP system. I made sure that players won't get a damage upgrade per every level.

3 16

So, here are the robots that you'll encounter for this SAGE 2019. Not gonna lie, I am almost sick of looking at Hornette's mugshot after using it as a placeholder for so long.

Sonic and the Mayhem Master is coming soon at September 20.

4 6

Looking from another perspective… is down under at the conference. And this is what happens when a European goes to Australia to talk about dams…#downunder

3 13

played during
and before u ask animaniacs is my favorite sonic game

4 23

Crash N. Tense Adventure - Beautifully Animated 2D Crash Adventure!

26 49

【アイナナ】「二階堂大和」Sakura Message2スペック - https://t.co/VOdV7SXS1d

105 250

The Legendarysage2000 is a supporter of all religions. He is the alpha and the omega. BTW He like corn...

1 10