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"Gray's eldest sister's name was, Pinky. She was a very pretty bird and had the brightest plumage of all."

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What an honor creating these illustrations for Newbery Honor Author, New York Times Bestseller, Time Traveler and dear friend… s new website! I’m forever grateful that our chance meeting at that SCBWI NY conference would blossom into such an endearing friendship.

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...in New York City, organized by the Socialist Party of America. Just 23 women marched along Broadway - it was considered revolutionary! But by May 4th, 1912 in NYC, 10,000 to 15,000 women marched from the factory district...

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I love illustrating picture and boars books, excited for new projects this year. Seeking art rep with PB dummy and portfolio available upon request!

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"..a fantasy scene for the costume party. Since Digger found the treasure chest,
he dressed as a pirate."

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The conference has an exciting menu of workshops to choose from and we have a fantastic faculty to deliver them.

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"..a fantasy scene for the costume party. Since Digger found the treasure chest,
he dressed as a pirate."

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