I loved the short-lived Firefly TV series, so it's no surprise I also love the movie based on it. Serenity gave me everything I loved about Firefly, except with a bigger budget and better effects. If you don't know it, start with Firefly & have Serenity for dessert.

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Take two parts 1960s Marvel universe, mix in one part James Bond, shake (never stir!), and season with a dash of the Fantastic Four. The result is The Incredibles. Filled with heart not found anywhere in the MCU or DCU, it's the best superhero movie ever made.

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I almost didn't post the cover for one of my best books. Jeff Doten delivered the style cover I wanted for my attempt at a Golden Age galactic war story, where a plucky band of humans and aliens scramble to save humanity from an alien empire.


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Dane at ebookLaunch created great covers for Recognition books 2 & 3, ones on par with book 1. Despite excellent branding, unique covers, and a strong story, trilogy sales disappointed. I'm biased, but readers are missing a very good trilogy.


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I rarely bought comic book anthology titles, so completely missed Bruce Jones' (writer, pencils) and Dave Stevens (cover, inks) Princess Pam. Based on the story's first page, it looks like an excuse for sci-fi good girl art and double entendres. I can respect that.

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Bob Layzell's painting from the 1978 book "Spacecraft, 2000-2100 AD: Terran Trade Authority Handbook" beautifully captures the fun and adventure good pulpy space opera delivers. Stick this on a book cover and I'd buy in a heartbeat.

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returns to fantasy with Tony DeZuniga's gorgeous rendition of Red Sonja. I'll shut up now and let you enjoy the She Devil With a Sword.

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Oleksiy Lipatov's "24 Light Years From Home" deftly captures every science fiction geek's fantasy. It's your basic castaway fantasy - just you and a cute girl shipwrecked on a tropical island - transplanted to an alien world. You can find his work on Deviantart.

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began exactly one year ago, when I posted this fake cover. I've posted 300 science fiction covers and images since then, and this remains one of my favorites. Happy anniversary, Nancy Goodaim.

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I never heard of Gamma magazine before, probably because it only lasted for five issues before its finances dried up. Looking at the first issue lineup, I can readily imagine it wasn't an inexpensive production. With an Eye-catching cover by Morris Scott Dollens, too.

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