What do you think of a story of an AI alien crash landing to earth and being found by the protag who helps her escape the government and escape her enemies while falling in love in the process.

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"The situation in his clan was dangerous for a hardened warrior, let alone a soft Human female without fangs or claws to defend herself." - From Paax by Nancey Cummings. Now on SFR Station! https://t.co/7qjze3TLWw

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Taking Control (The Controllers Book One)
Controllers: A steamy, action packed read... https://t.co/o0L6bo2IYA

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From Bond by Tasha Black - "What she doesn’t expect is how irresistible Bond is, and how hard it will be not to lose her own heart to the man who plays her body like a violin." Check it out on SFR Station! https://t.co/rXroPNEVu7

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What a gorgeous cover this would make!

"Star Weaver" by AlexandriaDior https://t.co/9YJdyBbU5l

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Thought I'd share this oldie, and let you know that a new sci-fi comic book is coming your way ;)

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