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Superman when written by sane people who understand the character always make me happy. Prior to this he was yelling at Shazam for his reckless use of his powers after an assassin killed Billy's friend. Superman thought he was yelling at a grown man until Billy changed back https://t.co/1YSntRPi0q

15 53

DEATH BATTLE! Katz VS King Bach VS Gary VS Shazam

1 12

How old is Billy Batson?

Golden age and pre-Crisis: 14

Post-Crisis: 16

New 52: 15

Billy Batson and the Magic of Shazam - Mr. Mind over Matter: 11

7 24

📽️Box Office mondial :

- démarre mal. 🙄
- fait ce qu'il peut... 🚀🦖
- aussi. 😛
- n°1 un peu partout ! 🚪✨

Lien vers le tableau de la semaine :

8 9

Captain Marvel is not too hard to pull off in modern day.
You just have to have the right production team.

There was nothing campy about him in Kingdom Come.

People were scared of his power,
he made the sacrifice play to save the day.

No camp needed.
Just creativity.

9 89

都内なのに貸し切り状態で、4人しかいなかった。なぜこんなに不人気なのw 期待せずに観たからか、思った以上に面白いんだけど。DCやマーベル系は、夫に付き合う以外は、ふだんは全く観ないんだけど。普通にこれは夫も面白いと言ってた。もっと評価されてもいいのに

6 115

Power of Shazam has some great covers

3 54

I decided to make Mary based on Doc Shaner's New Champion of design.

2 4

He's no longer Shazam's main villain in the comics. Black Adam is a straight-up hero, anti-hero, superhero to those he saves but definitely not a villain.

0 0

Black Adam don’t need Shazam.


Black Adam Vs Venom! COMING SOON

44 325

Iba a hacer un dibujo de Shazam pero despues de ver la pelicula, "Son todos o ninguno"

1 2

This is the face of a hard-stuck Gold 3 player by the way 🫦

🎨: rexsama

7 29

MV見ながらShazam 💞

I can't stop listening and dancing to by of ft.

22 38

what I would give for a 1 season loose adaptation of & ’s New Champion of Shazam on HBO Max ❤️⚡️ https://t.co/FYZ0ezTjvz

25 136

5-11) Superman vs. SHAZAM
슈퍼맨과 샤잠이 맞붙은 클래식 이슈 8개의 합본이라는데, 세일할 때 사두는건 괜찮지만 솔직히 무근본 크오답게 대체로 별 내용이 없음...그리고 이 합본에 킹덤컴 가 있어서 절대 킹덤컴 읽고 봐야함

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