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Screenshots from Sailor Moon: Another Story on SNES (a.k.a. Sailor Moon RPG)

You can learn more about the game & download it from my shrine: https://t.co/I5tNBivh0v

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Source: Roper
Battletoads & Double Dragon: The Ultimate Team (SNES) by Rare

12 75


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Here's another one i made for you!, based on a picture i found from it was a nice work to do.

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did another drawing already a Cicada monster that looks like it was from some SNES JRPG that was never left japan

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I am back, and i took the time to learn how to do Colorful sprite art on CSP including proper sprite color management, here's a hint, its all on Gradient maps.

Capcom's Snes style of colors.

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The Snes X-Men Mutant Apocalypse game, I still have the cartridge. Play that X-men game a lot.

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We've preserved a near final prototype of Pop’n TwinBee: Rainbow Bell Adventures, developed by Konami for the SNES. Unfortunately, being a PAL prototype, differences are absolutely minimal. (A single byte difference at 0x7FBF). Thanks to Voodooween for sending this in!

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Source: Snowman
Earthworm Jim (SNES) by Shiny Entertainment

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Ui hello i have two Godzillas, first is SapphireGoji who's kind of like a slightly more balanced composite Godzilla and a grumpier heroic 70s godzilla and then I also have Teleios Godzilla who's basically a mix of Earth, SNES, Legendary and the idea of God Godzilla

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Did anyone else play and love Safari as a kid?

I never hear anyone talk about it. It was a SNES game that required the super scope, where you rode Yoshi through semi 3-D levels shooting bad guys and Koopa Kids. It was crazy but a lot of fun.

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Super Bomberman 2 Remix - The final version of a NES/SNES to ZX Spectrum 128k remake is here! - https://t.co/5SEPmtFIeN

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Spiky Sigmer

Source: Spiky Tiger
Secret of Mana (SNES) by Square

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Sir Richard Rosigma

Source: Simon Sir Richard Rose
Sunset Riders (SNES) by Konami Gaming

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The Egguin
Source: The Penguin
Batman Returns (SNES) by Konami

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t2i って、不特定多数がその言葉を聞いてイメージするものの最大公約数を画像表示すると認識していたのだけれど、何か違うっぽい。右:NES(ファミコン)左:SNES(スーパーファミコン)でそれぞれ出力してみたのだけれど、カセットの箱の絵風にもFC・SFCが流行った年代風にもならなかった。

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Source: Silverman
The Ninja Warriors (SNES) by Natsume

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A influencia da arte de Moebius no Link's Awakening e A Link to the Past é tão legal mas ao mesmo tempo tão estranha.

Não parece combinar em nada com a vibe do Zelda daqueles tempos - e acho que nem tinha como representar esse feeling no SNES e Gameboy.

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