Only 2 days left to support a talented, local illustrator and a small, independent publisher and receive a beautiful picture book and exciting rewards in return! Pls watch our Kickstarter video for by .

3 9

Young Stalka. 😢 Credit to Johanna The Mad.

74 340

*Kickstarter update* Thanks to 174 backers from 10+ different countries we've now raised 66% of our target in just under five days for 's picture book about You guys rock!!!

2 7

Trabajando con pinceles personalizados y lidiando con el éxito repentino. Diana Novich () le cuenta su historia a Jack Woodhams de en este episodio de Disfruta:

4 7

Working with custom brushes, dealing with imposter syndrome and sudden overnight success. Diana Novich () shares her experiences with founder for our next episode.

14 121

The next interview for my Let’s talk art series will be with comic illustrator . Stay tuned for that!

11 62

「stalka: volume 2」 for

3 38

My latest Let’s Talk Art interview with the great is now LIVE! Read it here:

10 24

Happy to announce that my next Let’s Talk Art interview for will be with the awesome .

11 26

explains how a digital workflow has aided his career as an illustrator. (c)

9 42

Idea: Players should unlock new unlimited Egg Incubators as they level up. [credit] u/Krystalkatt

770 4471

승리 최고!😘😘😘#letstalkaboutlove2nd

51 42

Because Stalka love this scene sooo much >///< and never got enough of it.

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