Join us for a LIVE Q&A with Painter Master Brian Pollett! Bring your questions & topics you want to discuss Saturday April 11th. Let's talk art! Register now:

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Trabajando con pinceles personalizados y lidiando con el éxito repentino. Diana Novich () le cuenta su historia a Jack Woodhams de en este episodio de Disfruta:

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Working with custom brushes, dealing with imposter syndrome and sudden overnight success. Diana Novich () shares her experiences with founder for our next episode.

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The next interview for my Let’s talk art series will be with comic illustrator . Stay tuned for that!

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My latest Let’s Talk Art interview with the great is now LIVE! Read it here:

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Happy to announce that my next Let’s Talk Art interview for will be with the awesome .

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explains how a digital workflow has aided his career as an illustrator. (c)

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