2/2 Pineapple & cockroaches, from The Insects of Suriname, 1719 edition. Brought to you by traveler, naturalist, & artist Maria Sibylla Merian.

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Born today in 1647, botanical artist Maria Sibylla Merian took an early interest in She retained indigenous names for the not-yet-described species she found in Suriname and performed controlled laboratory experiments to investigate caterpillars' plant preferences.

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Engravings from Metamorphosis Insectorum Surinamensium (1705) by naturalist and scientific illustrator, Maria Sibylla Merian.

Merian was born 1647. Further details about her remarkable life: https://t.co/dvqS0lc41j

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Banana Tree Flower with Io Moth, by Maria Sibylla Merian — who was born in 1647.

From her pioneering Metamorphosis insectorum Surinamensium (Insects of Suriname), first published in 1705.

See more prints by her in our online prints shop: https://t.co/ASX37Nx31n

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Born on this day 1647, naturalist & artist Maria Sibylla Merian. Here, Teucer Owl Butterfly & Rainbow Whiptail Lizard among the bananas, from her book The Metamorphosis of the Insects of Suriname, 1705.

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2 avril 1647: naissance de Maria Sibylla Merian, naturaliste et peintre.
Observe, entre autres, la métamorphose des papillons.
➡️Maria, par Jacobus Houbraken
➡️Gravure sur cuivre coloriée à la main, 1705. De Metamorphosis insectorum Surinamensium, planche XX (Thysania agrippina).

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Dessin du soir pour le défi animalier quotidien de : le crapaud du Suriname (Pipa pipa). La femelle incube ses œufs dans un repli de peau sur son dos et les petits en sortent tous formés ! Yummy !

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¿Te apasiona Maria Sibylla Merian? Ya sabes que puedes ver al completo ‘Metamorphosis insectorum surinamensium’ (1705) en acceso abierto. https://t.co/8XVOUIG0cc

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🦋 Maria Sibylla Merian’s “Metamorphosis insectorum surinamensium” (1705). Both gorgeous and groundbreaking, Merian’s volume was the first to document insect lifecycles: https://t.co/IJCNaJq9oq

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Brokodei ini Diitabiki, 2017
In ‘Iris Kensmil: Blues before sunrise’, Kranenburgh, Bergen

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Maria Sibylla Merian, Plate 12 from ‘Metamorphosis Insectorum Surinamensium’ (1705)
(Universitätsbibliothek Johann Christian Senckenberg, Frankfurt)

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Maria Sibylla Merian (1647-1717) was one of the first scientists to depict the life cycles of insects and the plants on which they feed. "Metamorphosis Insectorum Surinamensium" is based on her studies and artworks made in Surinam ➡️ https://t.co/pS7Rt6btTe

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A personal tale on fighting my own inner demons, depression and the destruction of my country, by a descructive ideology called “Boutism” , the color pallete used are taken from the flag of my homecountry Suriname 🇸🇷 soon™️

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I keep coming across work whilst on and let’s be honest, that’s not really a problem! The Metamorphosis insectorum Surinamensium was published in 1705 and is still a fantastic book showing insect life cycles

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🦋 Pioneering artist Maria Sibylla Merian died in 1717. She drew this beautiful picture during her stay in Surinam, after which it was engraved and printed in her book Metamorphosis insectorum Surinamensium from 1730. Now on show ! https://t.co/EpqB83BbQL

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A super powered Lil Homie... proudly wearing his shirt! Congrats to Renate Stüger and Sai Rodrigues on the publication of their Suriman comic.

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thought Suriname Toads were cute til i found out the female toad gives birth to fully formed baby toads through a ton of tiny holes in its back

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Mixed 🇸🇷 (Suriname) + 🇲🇽 (Mexico), and created this new country called Suriico:

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For the challenge, we celebrate In 1699, pioneering botanical artist traveled alone with her daughter to what's now in See her paintings: https://t.co/6SAPXOnMQs.

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So here is plate 45 from 's copy of Merian's Metamorphosis insectorum Surinamensium (RBR QL466.M47 1705) and I need your help, twitter:

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