Peg Powler is the North East England equivalent of Jinny Greenteeth- a water hag who lurked in rivers and ponds ready to drown unsuspecting travellers and children

22 65

Fishermen toss this Slavic water spirit (vodyanoy) a pinch of tobacco and say~

‘Here’s your tobacco Lord Vodnik
Now give me a fish’

art by Elena Schweitzer

14 45

Fresh off the press! A tribute lightening eyes
and a Swampsky scarred eyes in a cork hat whispering sweet pernises👀 if these things weren't the least exclusive jpgs on the blockchain I'd be swimming in $ADA!

1 1

Somewhere in the mangrove swamps

6 108

Shroomling highres! Original member design by alchemist and redrawn by 21kkn! Winner of the Swamps and Bogs Design-A-Goatling contest! Coming soon to the Appearance Dolls shop!

1 4

WARNING - Poacher Threat

We’ve had reports of yet another poacher, Captain Amos, in the Haintsland Region, targeting the Bayous and Swamps in Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama.

Reports show he is also working with Leatherback Gaster, more info soon.

9 89

Gaming with the faux! X3
🖼 @/SwampStones

0 1

poison swamps are. the best

1 4

"These swamps get so sticky! Bikini armor is just the practical choice here" 👙

74 769

A group of children were playing near water when a beautiful horse trotted over. Excited, they attempted to ride the horse, but became stuck to its back.

The horse then submerged, taking the children with it into the deep.

🎨The Kelpie Pond - Jaime Whitbread

24 117

“From time to time strange cries as of lost and despairing wanderers sounded from across the mere. They might be the notes of owls or water-birds, yet they did not quite resemble either sound” (MR James)


31 104

Be careful around these parts, the swamps come alive at night

12 22

"Poor autumn
Dies in the whiteness and richness
Of snow and ripe fruit
Deep in the sky
The sparrow hawks glide
Above the tiny gentle green-haired water nymphs
Who have never loved" (Apollinaire)

🎨 Malmström

17 54

a swamp that makes sense, watercolor - made with NightCafe Creator via
I had a bad cold for a full week now and start to miss leaving the house. Also, why does AI always show swamps with trees?

0 2

Absolutely love my new research logo designed by - combines my love of swamps, bogs and tundra beautifully. Thank you so much Melisa.

4 211

We won't have story-based Image Generation at launch, but two separate browser tabs (one for each character) + a third for your story should let you illustrate your tales quite easily!

The protagonist is trapped arguing in the swamps with his sassy traveling companion.

251 777

Night is my sister, and how deep in love,
How drowned in love and weedily washed ashore,
There to be fretted by the drag and shove
At the tide's edge, I lie —

~ Edna St. Vincent Millay

5 27

Undine by Baron de la Motte Fouque (1811), about a water nymph that marries a man and gains a soul (& the weight of such feelings) only to be betrayed. Illustrations by Arthur Rackham (1909)
➡️🎧 My song "The Spirit of Water"

3 18

"The Buried Moon" is an Fairytale included by Folklorist J. Jacobs in "More English Fairytale" in which the a
Moon falls on a bog and is trapped by a falling tree so she stops rising. Here a haunting illustration for it drawn by Edmund Dulac (1916)

15 51