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"Coincidence is what he'd say for how they met, but perhaps it must have been fate.."

Merry Christmas to ! I feel honoured to get to draw my otp ♥️♥️

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[ yume , yume art ]

BARRELS IN ON THE VERY LAST DAY OF THE GIFTING PERIOD WITH MY PIECE FOR for !! It was really fun working on this since i've never drawn taichi before, I hope you like it!!

5 17

hiiiii!!!!! i (aka lol) was your tales secret santa this year!!!! again, sorry it's late!!!!!!! i really hope you like it i had a lot of fun!!!!! happy holidays! :)

10 18

sorry for the delay too !!

your og santa backed out so i became your back up santa!

here's your murasakibara eating (madeup) wcdonalds chips~

9 14

hey i'm your secret santa ! sorry it took me a bit, but i hope you like it :] cinna was fun to draw hehe

3 11

Dibujito que hice para un Secret Santa en Ig >u<💜✨, el personaje le pertenece a una ilustradora llamada Ciarocake, amé dibujar a su oc👉👈

5 30

hey its the bravely santa time of the year! i filled it out for bravetheday, who im not sure is on twitter?

Nonetheless, i bring tidings of angst. Hope its good angst!!

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Happy Holidays I was your match for I hope you had a wonderful holiday and I hope you have a very lovely new year! 💕

1 10

Merry (late) Christmas 🎄✨
Im your slow secret satan🎄
I drew our boys, I hope you like it❄

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Surprise ! I'm your Secret Santa 🎄🎁 I hope you'll enjoy this bunch of smol beans cuddling 💕

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"The Witching Hour"

Author: californianhouseplant


Mulder and Scully end up in Salem Mass and/or Sleepy Hollow on/around Halloween.



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💙❄️ Dancing in the snow: Ivy y Fausto ❄️💙

Pues aquí esta mi participación para el que ha sido un placer de hacer para 💕💕 Espero que te guste jo

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HI i'm your secret saint and i'm really sorry for you
(I did not check the gmail message ;;) I hope you forgive my delay and have a happy holidays

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I'M SORRY FOR BEING LATE AAAA but I here's an Anna Nyui for for I hope you like her, I did my best :'D

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Sorry for being late ;u;9 @ but your Camus and Milo drawing is finished~💛❤️💛❤️ I hope you like this two~<3

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I had CherFleur for the 🌟 MERRY XMAS~ Did some classic fighting, with some kitty boy and bankai

5 27

Happy Holidays!! I was happy to be secret santa and drew a grim reaper Kuroko looking vaguely badass!!! I really hope you like it :,)

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Hello ! I'm your secret santa this year! Sorry for taking sopoo long with your gift :') I hope you like this Seika (Adult... well, I tried) and Shaka! ✨💕💕

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