happy lies on the internet day
new line sticker set just dropped

62 172

Four of my most wanted games atm.

Which one do I get first come payday next month? Give me your thoughts. 🤔

0 3

i’m sure when i drew this i had a cooler caption in mind but then i realized that his earring is a fking anchor and i’ve been in disbelief ever since

17 46

guess who didn't actually finish anything today and did this instead

14 29

Have I told you how much I love Naoki Ikushima's work? Does not get enough credit for bringing us these beautiful character designs!

15 74


27 60

The courage to try again.

GBA style bust of Edea Lee from Bravely Second, made as a subscriber suggestion!

36 148

ブレイブリーデフォルト2 2周年おめでとうごじゃいます!!

67 157


73 156

big fan of that tweet going around that artists art qr-ing to of art tips that helped them out, it’s been a good source :]

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