Large tides may have been a key factor in the evolution of bony fish and tetrapods

3 7

he said tetrapods, but he never said vertebrates

0 6

Third and last submission for the Bromacker paleoart contest is a night scene. It includes curled up chonky Diadectes and Orobates pabsti that piled up for a nap. It also features Bugs and Ferns.

0 4

frog strapped bungoat commish 4


18 66

I am an artist that enjoys painting extinct and extant tetrapods

90 455

Hi old and new followers! I am Gabriel and I am a paleoartist and scientific illustrator. I paint both extinct and extant animals, particularly vertebrates (although I have a preference for extinct tetrapods 😋)

97 513

"Monkey" is a paraphyletic group, unless we include the apes.

"Fish" is a paraphyletic group, unless we include the tetrapods (mammals, reptiles, birds, amphibians).

So, if we stick to monophyletic groups, humans are monkeys, which are a type of fish.

21 140

New weird pony OC! She's a snake pony but based on the Tetrapodophis, so when snakes were losing their limbs. Her name is Tetrapodi and she thinks her hooves are useful like the ones of other ponies

0 6

It seems it is again!

Hi, I am Gabriel and I am a paleoartist and scientific illustrator. I specialize in reconstructing and illustrating extinct and extant tetrapods

219 953

四肢動物 tetrapoda
両生綱 amphibia
無尾目 anura
アカガエル科 ranidae
オトガエル属 soniconraua

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Part of one of the three plates depicting the tetrapods of the Late Jurassic Solnhofen Formation of Germany. This is one of the plates that will appear in my book (currently still in prepartion). I have left only the not in silhouette.

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This reconstruction of Torvosaurus tanneri will appear in my book as part of one of the three cladogram depicting part of the tetrapod fauna of the Morrison Fm. I have taken out the other from the plate, you’ll have to wait to see them in the book 😋

6 59

Torvosaurus tanneri, a giant (8-9 m) Megalosaurid theropod dinosaur from Late Jurassic N. America. This recon is part of the tetrapods from the Morrison Fm that will appear in my in-prep book. Proportions based on the skeletal by

114 512

Spent the morning reading about maximum body size in marine tetrapods, and how baleen whales achieve their remarkable size because of awesome feeding efficiency. Sorry folks, blue whale-sized marine reptiles are very unlikely: Shonisaurus et al. are likely as big as they got.

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We are sad to hear of the passing of council member, Prof Jenny Clack. At our AGM this year we were due to announce that she was awarded the Palaeontographical Society Medal for her outstanding lifetime's work on early tetrapods. A great loss, she'll be missed by all of us.

62 192

These are called tetrapods btw not the guys running, they’re an anti-erosion measure for coastlines I know Scotland has some.
The greater tetrapods are these guys:

0 1

As voted earlier this morning, here is my sketch/speedpaint today: the large, big headed stem-tetrapod Crassigyrinus scoticus. My entry for today’s There are two Crassigyrinus here

104 460

Speedpaint/sketch. Woke up today and had this idea of depicting a swimming Acanthostega (a well known aquatic Devonian stegocephalian stem-tetrapod from Greenland). Who can say no to depicting these cool animals with eight digits?!

141 667