Oracle/Eye of Webbish Bog concept for Final choice from one of a series exploring different teeth ideas. The others would have ranged from spikier/more needle like to flatter/squarer with different densities vs gaps and gum exposure 🦷

19 138

Happy 28th Birthday to she played Rey's mother in Follow her on Facebook & Instagram May she have a good one.

0 6

“The team [brought] some of the legacy ships for the final confrontation from previous media. This one (known as Pelta-class frigate) originally appeared in Clone Wars as well as the Rebels series...” - Stephen Zavala

52 587

Totally obscure SW alien of the week! Seleno Chandro the bounty hunter(of course) designed for Known internally as Carrot Head or Pointy Chin, I actually had a parsnip in mind when I drew him. 🤷‍♂️. Crazy.

19 174

Tenía esto en pendientes pa subir desde que salió y se me había olvidao un poco

0 1

This is my first time posting here and I have no idea what’s going on 😳 have some Kylo art

76 392

Happy 38th Birthday to , she played Maz Kanata in & returned in Follow her also on Facebook & Instagram

1 4


62 125

Happy 58th Birthday to , she provided additional voices in   Follow her also on Instagram May she have a good one.

1 2

“Super rough sketches for the Battle of Exegol. We spent a little time looking at historical war images for compositions. Mainly from the WWII Battle of Midway. Always trying to ground it in ‘reality’...” - James Clyne

55 536

Justo este fin de semana me toca ver Acá nuevos concept-art a cargo de Jon McCoy.

26 267

Background character design for Started off as a guy, reworked as female. She was cool as hell.

23 230