The blasphemy of the Tyranids is such that only one solution is acceptable. Extermination. There can only be two sides in a fight - choose carefully, lest you and I find ourselves on different sides.CHAPLAIN ORTAN CASSIUS, MASTER OF SANCTITY OF THE ULTRAMARINES CHAPTER

6 22




4 19

Oh no, too many tyranids to dra..

6 33

I love the new Tyranid 9th Codex artwork as it shows what Tyranids are - numberless swarms of all devouring space bugs

1 9

Other high5 of this day will be of and their big tyranid swarm lord I believe. She is big maybe to big, but the Deus can survive most stuffs… probably.

3 40

What army do you think is going to be paired with these fellows in the box where they make their debut?

My guess is Tyranids.

6 241

: La Journée d'Étude Ciblée liée à la Semaine Aventure débute et dure jusqu'à 15h !

➡️ Ptyranidur et Amagara plus fréquents à l'état sauvage

➡️ Études Terrain spécifiques

Détails :

1 15

Lictor called 'Deathleaper' aware St. Caspelan's leader death only create a martyr thus planet's defenses intensify.

So what it'll do? Break said leader by killing everyone near him only leaving him alive (1/2)

0 1

: L'évènement de la Semaine Aventure débute !

➡️ Ptyranidur et Amagara

➡️ Pokémon fossiles et Zarbi F (nature, oeufs, raids, études)

➡️ Carapagos et Arkéapti shiny

➡️ Méga-Ptéra et Groudon

➡️ Bonus de PX

Détails :

1 11

Simple background, nothing too fancy. I think this is a thing in WH40k, isn't it?

0 2

An unstoppable force hits an immovable object, what happens next… New designs incoming to 🎲

2 11

Alright, scenario time!
Let's say a Tyranid Hive Fleet entered the Star Wars galaxy during the Clone Wars.
After a dozen or so planets, the Clone Troopers are called to defend a world that's the next target of the hive.
How do you picture this going down?

0 21

Who says you can’t have fun with both your hyper fixations?

Had a train of thought going from “What if Tyranid Tamagotchi” to “What if Tyranid Digimon?”

5 12

if you're not already familiar with Tyranids, they're like a whole species of xenomorphs, except they're much more powerful than what you're thinking

0 0

I know it's 40k but there's something more "grim" when a declining race facing off against numberless swarms

0 6

When it came to defeating the Tyranids, Kryptman had the right idea.

0 24


Hive Fleet Gorgon would've been destroyed by Imperial Guard & Tau forces if they have not ended their truce prematurely

0 6


Gadrovian the Flesh Sculptor, a Slaanesh Chaos Lord who enjoys mutilating & torturing his victims for his arts, hated the Tyranids due to its lack of sensational horror.

0 9

Me: Looking through 40K fan art posts.

Internet: Hey, you want to see a Tyranid monster girl?

Me: .........I don't know?

Internet: Too fucking bad.

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