Valstrax is easily my favorite flagship monster in the series (Magnamalo currently has me conflicted about its placement now).

Naturally, I really love Crimson Glow Valstrax as well.

11 284

O céu se cobriu de cinza!
O Crimson Valstrax Zero chegou!
Tente a sua sorte com a Cápsula 10x grátis!

9 74

My favorite flagship monster in the series (At least currently, it's tied with Valstrax for 1st Place).

Scorned Magnamalo is definitely one of my favorite Variants in the series as of now.

24 305

rn these deff my favorite monsters in MonHun

and Astalos

0 2

Valstrax from Monster Hunter! I had so much fun with this one!!

6 14

Threat Level 10★ - Scorned Magnamalo, Risen Chameleos, Thunder Serpent Narwa, Narwa the Allmother, Crimson Glow Valstrax, Gaismagorm, Apex Diablos, Apex Zinogre

4 55

Valstrax being valstrax

572 3430

5th Generation of MH - Variants (特殊個体) cont.

5. Frostfang Barioth (氷刃佩くベリオロス)
6. Crimson Glow Valstrax (奇しき赫耀のバルファルク)
7. Narwa the Allmother (百竜ノ淵源ナルハタタヒメ)
8. Scorned Magnamalo (怨嗟響めくマガイマガド)

11 131

Oh God we’re gonna get Risen Crimson Glow Valstrax one day aren’t we?

0 3

Did some elden ring/monster hunter fanart a while back
Have a radahn riding a valstrax

6 13


0 6

I also really like Harudomerugu, Valstrax, and Goss Harag

1 14