Magnamalo and Rathalos zoids

213 1000

Monster Hunter X Zoid

175 858

Original Magnamalo is around 13K tris.

HQ Magnamalo has around 63K tris.

That's comparable to the MHWorld models!

11 63

「鬼滅の刃」✖️「Monster Hunter 」
 竈門禰豆子  怨嗟響めくマガイマガド

DemonSlayer ✖️ Monster Hunter
Nezuko Kamado Scorned Magnamalo


130 835

Scorned Magnamalo


112 481

Alright this is Nia and Scorned Magnamalo done 😤

325 1213

I finished a new commission for

Magnamalo Tonfas Design by

Thanks for allowing use to use your concept and design for this 3D Work!

28 179

Vincent I need a answer from the king of monster design, what is your opinion on my magnamalo subspecie

1 6

Magnamalo from Monster Hunter: Rise
Yes, I'm back with my monsters.

0 1

a kitty cat :3

just something other than robots for once, Magnamalo from Monster Hunter Rise 💜

0 11

Magnamalo Matoimaru

(I did got time to render out the background, was too busy with personal stuff).

193 771

Monster Hunter ⚔️ Magnamalo

90 460

Another MonHun hunter comm, custom LS and custom armor like he was turning into the Magnamalo!
OC from !

9 37

Highlight time! This time is Lord of Malice, my Magnamalo Keyblade! Think a Hunter would use it?

14 44

Yoru (repost i think)
(MHR Sona, based off of Magnamalo)

9 47

Quick Tetsuya

bumped the Magnamalo theme for this one, may do a purple fire doodle

4 15