tidal’s “secret” twin brother, tethys, was finally brought up in-game, so now i can post the uncropped version of this drawing! 😳🤷‍♀️

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Wild magic is fun... Had to wait a full minute in battle for Kol to stop speaking bubbles (I do really love wild magic <3)

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I managed to finalize Callais' overall look! Full background story can be found on my Instagram or Tumblr.
Name: Callais
Race: Water Genasi
Class: Druid/Healer, Shepherd Circle
Deity: Deep Sashelas

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Me and my D&D group just started up tomb of annihilation and this is my character, sorc water genasi Kol. Wish him luck... That jungle is going to eat him alive, literally.

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i only have cropped doodles bc theres still a lot of secrets about her so far, but i wanted to post these! my bloodhunter/warlock—tidal wavewalker! when she does her blood maledicts, the moisture/droplets of water on her skin turns blood-like! 💧🤭🩸

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Full version of my Evain piece! Rogue/trickery domain cleric. We are gonna be on session 10 on tuesday!! So excited....

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Alara Mareablanca recently earned a magical pair of sunglasses as a present from Brumarina's Duke. Their mighty power, you ask? They... float in front of her eyes.

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its ya girl dalit!! also did a quick new ref of her scars (changed them a bit), and also have a little teen dalit. 🙏

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On the one hand, yes, this is self-indulgent art of my genasi wizard. On the other hand, it's made me finally sit down and study how to draw eyes with epicanthal folds like I've been meaning to do for ages.

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I’m doing a campaign version of and this is my character, Marianna Midnight, a Water Genasi Smuggler Monk

Commissions are Open

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Late night stream cause I couldnt sleep. So this is what I worked on, my water elemental from an older campaign.

Will finish later <3


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Two versions of Ashar crying big, giant Ghibli worthy tears.... I honestly love them both?? Lineless work done for this.

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my internet crashed last night so i never got to post this but,,, here's Ashar in her good clothes.

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