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hi!! i’ve always wanted to do a dtiys challenge + i’m trying to push my wlw sasusaku agenda HAHAH so ss artists if you would like to draw this in your own style please do!!! i would love to see them we have so many wonderful artists in this fandom🤍🤍#dtiys

38 129

Blaze doesn't listen to girl in red, her gf IS the girl in red

330 1655

Happy pride month here have lesbians 🏳️‍🌈

31 795

hi! today is which is as good a time as any to mention that I am asexual! I have a few characters who are ace as well, including Lyla, Kyrinna, and, well, Ace!

(I also have a wlw ace romance novel WIP but I think it needs a rewrite so uh maybe later)

3 4

P. ainful way ! U. topia !! N. ew wave dream !!! K. id in her !!!!! P.U.N.K GIRL!!
(this song is so chloe price coded...)

0 10

Mlm ans wlw solidarity, they go to church together

0 9

so apparently this is a book abt sapphics so here are some of the wlw ships i like !! https://t.co/RhyVPPsVzN

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