Still going on with the fossil rhinos. Stephanorhinus kirchbergensis, the Eurasian forest rhino.

The head is based on a skull recently found in Yakutia, but the rest mostly on the skeletal of a related species, S. hundsheimensis. Not sure if the torso should really be so short.

58 275

Giant sauropods lived in polar conditions in world’s coldest region, say scientists. Evidence of the dinosaurs found at Teete locality in Yakutia, just 450 km south of the Arctic Circle

32 64

Hey geologists! You've been silent lately. Too tired after ?
Let me cheer you up with one of my favorite photomicrographs, that has lovely colors but also lovely microstructures in it.

16 69

Yakutian Cyberpunk I painted for the contest held by Feng Zhu, SmirnovSchool and Artillery Fest.

62 263

ヤクーチアン・ライカ/Yakutian Laika


41 81

Charoite, anastomosing around feldspars, in a schist from Yakutia

14 52